Doodles are family! Having 4 kids of my own I can tell you it is sometimes a challenge to make sure my kiddos are not feeding my dogs any human foods. The reason we have made this a house rule is because there are many human foods that are deadly to dogs. Not to mention we did not want a dog begging for food at dinner time. If you even suspect your doodle has gotten into something they shouldn't... then seek help immediately. How fast you get them help could mean life or death.
Call your vet immediately or Animal Poison Hotline 1-888-232-8870
7 foods that you absolutely do NOT want your doodle to get into or eat are:
xylitol (In most gum)
coffee, tea, caffeine
alchohol & yeast
Here is a more complete list of foods that are not good for your doodle:
middles of any fruit. pear pip, apricot, apple core
potato peelings/raw potato
rhubarb leaves
anything spoiled
yeast dough
coffee grounds, beans
tomato leaves and stems
turkey skin
baby foods
citrus oil
fat trimmings
human vitamins that contain iron
large amounts of liver
raw fish
WOWZA!!!!!! So many right??? The crazy thing is that there are more! So just be careful! Its just a good ground rule to stick to kibble or treats that are dog approved! I wouldn't want anyone in the position of having to deal with this. If you have any doubts at all contact the Animal Poison Hotline.